Thursday, January 9, 2014

VARSITY: Cleaning Camp Time Change and Monday Rehearsals

Hey Ladies and Adam and Parents!
So yesterday the principal let us know they accidentally double booked the gym. So to compromise we are going to be starting our cleaning camp this Saturday at 9. So we will run 9-5 not the original time. Sorry this is such short notice, we just found out!

Also, when Jenny and I made the decision to only have Thursday rehearsals we let everyone know that we HAD to have ALL OF YOU at every practice. We even covered this at the parent meeting. If we do not have you all there, (especially with the quartet section) it is almost pointless to have practice. On weeks of shows it will be our ONLY practice. We have now run 8 weeks with this practice schedule and we have not had a single rehearsal where EVERYONE has come. And it's not even like we are missing 1 person, we are consistently missing a handful of you. Because of this Jenny and I have decided that we are going to have to add monday night practices. We have the gym from 3:30-6:30. I am not able to get there until 4 so we are going to start Monday night practices on Monday February 10th from 4-6:30. I am hoping that we can get caught up and then we can stop them. This should also give you enough time to get work and everything settled so we can start on 10th.

I also wanted to remind all of you if you miss a week of a performance (including Eval show and Parent Night) you do not perform. Including class time. I know that there have been a few of you that have been missing class time. During a performance week this counts.

I am really hoping we can start getting everyone at practice and we only have to do the monday practices for the month of February to get caught up!

If you have any questions please let me know!


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