Monday, January 6, 2014

VARSITY: Call Times for Competitions (JV Mari will let you know)!

JV Team Mari will be letting you know when your call times are... These are the varsity times only!

Hey Ladies and Gent and parents!

Here are the Call times for the Varsity team for now. We are still trying to see if we can get into a Gym for Eval, and we have discussed having the Varsity team go to the show later for state (For now we have call time for state at 8:30 am, we will let you know if we are going to push it farther back). We will get that information to you as soon as we have it!

For now here are all of the call times for performances!!!

Cleaning Camp for Varsity Team February 11th – 8am-5pm

Eval Show January 18th -- Varsity Call Time: TBA (We’re checking on gym space).

Family Night February 3rd -- Varsity Call Time: 5:00pm.

(VARSITY ONLY) Drum line Family Night February 24th -- Varsity Call Time: 6:00pm.

Bear River Competition February 1st -- Varsity Call Time: 11:30am.

Westlake Competition February 15th -- Varsity Call Time: 1:30pm.

West High Competition February 22nd -- Varsity Call Time: 12:30pm.

American Fork competition March 8th -- Varsity Call Time: 12:30pm.

Lone Peak Competition March 22nd – Varsity Call Time: 1:00pm.

American Fork State Championships Competition March 29th -- Varsity Call Time: 8:30am. (Call time for state may change but we are going to say 8:30am for now).

Love you guys! Thank you for all of the hard work you are doing!


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