Saturday, January 25, 2014

VARSITY/ JV: Performance Times:

Hey everyone,

The performance times for this weekend are:

JV - 5:04 pm
Varsity - 7:51 pm

VARSITY: Updated Varsity Call Times

Ok, I finally heard back about the gyms. Here are the VARSITY call times:

Feb. 1 - 10:00 am
Feb. 15 - 11:30 am
Feb. 22 - TBA (we're still waiting to find out about the gym).
March 8 - 11:00
March 22 - 11:00
March 29 - TBA (We're still discussing this)

The two TBA's I will send out as soon as I know them!


VARSITY: Best Performer for the Eval Show!!!

I'd like to announce last week's best performer!!!! BREANNE!!!

I am super excited to announce this one! Bre nailed EVERYTHING! She did such a fantastic job through all of the rifle section! When she spins she looks very confident and incredibly well trained! Her technique is really starting to show!!! And on Saturday it did show! I also have to say she looks stunning during the quartet section! I am super proud of how far this girl has come since I met her!!! 

AMAZING JOB BRE!!!! Me and Jenny couldn't have been more proud of you this last week!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

VARSITY: Thursday's Practice!

Hey ladies, and adam,

I am going to watch the random draw (for our performance time). It is at 5:15 in AF so I am hoping that it doesn't take any longer than 30 minutes... I should be there at 6! Alli will run a really good Technique block with the flags. Natalee will run a good technique block with the Rifles. When I get there I am going to run a good block with the Sabre's and the other rifles will join the flags until we are done with the sabre's technique block. 

When were done with technique we will be doing a full run.

Then we're going to work on the quartets. Remember everyone needs to come with an open mind and know that you ALL will probably have to change something. This is ok! Every change you make will make the show better! I don't want this to be a ruff process, I am hoping that we all come with an open mind and are willing to make whatever changes we need to so that the show gets better.

If we have more time I'm going to look at adding work to when we run out to the ensemble flag part. We also need to look at the snaked "S" part. 

We'll finish with 2 runs.

Sound good??? See you on time tomorrow! Candice will get you going and Alli and Natalee will start the technique blocks. I only want it to take you 5 minutes to get set up!!! Let's not loose valuable time!


Monday, January 20, 2014

VARSITY/JV: Call time changes.

Hey Everyone,

Varsity team:
We just found out that there are so many teams in the circuit that they have to start the shows earlier. Now the shows will be starting at 2 instead of 4. This means we will be leaving earlier, because we will have to check in earlier.

We called the bus garage and have worked that out. But we are still checking on Gym availability. I should know what the call times have changed to by Wednesday night. I just wanted you to get a heads up that we were informed over the weekend about the show time changing.

I'll be sending those call times out on Wednesday hopefully.

JV team:
Just like what it says for varsity, the show times have been changed. I don't know when Mari will have your call time, but I will have her send out another email. Clarifying when the call times are.

Both teams:
As for performance times I have not received those yet. The host show sends out a packet telling us all that info, and they come out about a week before. As soon as we get that info we will send it out!

Sorry for the inconvenience and the change, I let you know what call times are as soon as I know the gym availability!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

VARSITY: Judges comments

Ok, here are the tapes... there is a lot that I think we can fix by you guys becoming aware and you guys individually taking a look at if you are doing it or not. Here is the comments from the judge!

Here is what the Equipment judge said.
Sabre's check the matching of your arm shape during the whole dance part at the beginning (the arm with the sabre).

Individual consistency in the individual sabre tosses. Be consistent with heights, release points, catches (both hand placements, body placement, solidness, etc.).

Very exposed in sets. Easy to see who is on, who is off. This can go with body and equipment, you need to make sure you look just like everyone else.

Timing and tension in the rifle feature. Are you doing it on time with the same amount of intensity as everyone else.

Bat control. The bats are smaller and lighter, it's easy for the bat to get out of control. You control the bat the bat doesn't control you.

Quartet (nuff said)... we are going to look at this, each part needs to look the same from performer to performer.

Natalee, he felt you caught just a bit early musically, we'll look at this.

The dreaded angle at the end. Remember Hit - Hit... it needs to be sharp!

He loved you guys!

Here's what the General Effect judge said. 

He liked the characterization at the beginning. But multiple judges said that the characterization needed to be bigger. Especially the running part, that needed to show through what is happening in front of it... In fact all movement needs to be more committed to and bigger.

The judge talked about follow through. Committing to each move you are doing and make sure you follow through to the end of the phrase.

He liked the characterization you as performers had. Keep pushing that characterization up to the audience! This needs to happen through out the whole performance, all the way to the end.

At the end ensemble flag he said we needed to check our space from one another. We will look at this on wednesday or thursday. But we need to make sure that each of us are moving the same amount and that the space is consistent from performer to performer.

He talked about tying things together and following through phrases a lot. that means committing to the end of the work, toss, dance move, just as much as you are the first part. Also, don't mentally go on to the next phrase when you haven't completed the one you are on.

Here's what the Movement judge said.

Heals together at the line at the first part of the show. She said some people weren't all the way to first position. You could check this at the other line too.

There is a jump turn thing that the front line (during the dance work does) and she said to watch that and make sure you are all doing it the same way.

She talked about the grand pliƩ. making sure that you match your heals and that they lift the same time. that your heals are together. etc. We'll look at this.

The weird heal, toe, heal foot move. She talked about the timing on that. And she said that we need to make sure that the timing of that needs to be together.

She talked about how movement needs to be consistent from performer to performer. This means our arms, feet, limbs, body facings need to all be the same.

She talked about how sometimes it looks cluttered. she said that you can tell that you know the choreography but the articulation (the way you are achieving the work) is not being fulfilled. So we need to make sure that the work is being done full out and in the same time as everyone else.

She said that the timing could get muddy in parts. Meaning it's not quite together.

Her exact words, "careful with the cartwheel there."

consistency in the end position. We need to be the same.

here is what the Ensemble Analysis judge said.

Freeze them during the gongs at the beginning. The judge said that he can see people still moving in the line.

check what is going on individually in the quartet. he was able to look from performer to performer and could tell they weren't together or doing the same thing.

All performers need to fulfill the body under the ensemble flag. (the movement judge thought we were doing a good job with this) But the ensemble judge said we needed to commit to it. So we should ALL make sure that we are doing the body full out under our work.

Need to look the same at the end. (This is the second judge to have said that) And me and jenny have talked about this multiple times with you! Where is the weight? where is our hand on the hat? where are we looking? AGAIN, where is the weight???

Monday, January 13, 2014

VARSITY: Monday Time Clarification and THANK YOU!!!

Hey everyone!

I just want to remind everyone that we are going to start Varsity practices on Monday nights on February 10th. I know I had said previously 4-6:30. There was a concern about Family Night. We are going to run from 4-6 and then we will start clean up at 6. This is no different then it was in the fall. So the students should be getting out at the same time they did in Marching Band. 

We really need everyone there for all of the practices as the girls saw on Saturday, we were able to run some exchanges that we have not practiced since they learned them a month ago. I think they are feeling some stress that they haven't been able to practice them since we've consistently had someone missing from the exchanges and if one person is gone we cant run them without someone getting hurt. We are now a week away from our first performance and we were just practicing them for the first time. It is very important that everyone is there for this reason! We have a show where it is very interchanging of equipment from person to person and it is important that we all come! 

I wanted to thank the girls and adam for all the hard work that they have put into this show! I think it is going to be the GREATEST show this year (I am bias but I think you'll think so too!!!). It is going to be a crowd pleaser and EVERYONE is going to love it! We had the drum line and their staff watch it on Saturday and the staff was BLOWN AWAY by how "Clever" the show was. Hershel said to me, "there's just so much in the air all the time!" He came in 4 times to watch you ladies and Adam and really liked the show! Josh was all smiles and just kept talking about how much he LOVED the show. He turned around immediately after you were done and had a huge grin on his face and was like, "Brianna! Its so clever! I just loved it," and then he was speechless! 

This would not be possible with out all of you AWESOME kids! I have really fallen in love with each and every one of you! I was telling Jenny today, we could loose every show and I wouldn't care because I love this show and how AMAZING you all have become! I am just blown away by the talent and the abilities of all of you! Everyday one of you pops out to me that I am like, man stunning is the only way to describe you!

Parents! I want to thank you for having such GREAT kids! and for sharing them with us each week! I also want to thank the parents that have helped extensively with getting things ready for us! The floor, the back drops, buying supplies that we needed, ALL OF IT is GREATLY APPRECIATED and I want you to know that Jenny and I are EXTREMELY grateful! 

I am super excited for Saturday! It is time for us to take these awesome kids and show the state how great Lehi students are! 

I know melanie is coordinating carpools and I am excited for you parents to come and see the show!

Again! thank you for all you do! I hope the clarification on the time on mondays helps. And I will see all you kids on Thursday! (Jen will see you wednesday morning! remember show week! if you miss you don't perform! So set your alarm clocks! :P ).

Thanks again 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

VARSITY: Eval Show Call Time

Ladies, Gent, and Parents,

The call time for the Eval show on Saturday is going to be 10:45 am. We are meeting in the hallway by the Gyms. That way we can load everything up. Also, we are wearing ALL BLACK. This means SOLID BLACK! No writing or graphics. Remember we talked about what was good and what wasn't last Saturday's practice. 

Melanie is going to be sending out an email for a carpool. She is getting that all set up. 

If you have any questions please let me know!


Friday, January 10, 2014

VARSITY: Baseball Mitt

Ladies and Gent and Parents,

I have a weird question... 

Do any of you have an old baseball mitt that you don't want anymore??? We are thinking for the center marker we want to put a baseball mitt with a baseball glued into the inside.

I don't want to buy a new mitt if we don't have to...

We would be super gluing the ball into it, so it would probably be ruined...

That's why an old one, even one that is falling apart would be good. 

Look around, let me know... I'm also going look at DI and see if I can buy one there!

If you have a mitt you are throwing away and we could use it let me know!


VARSITY: Cleaning Camp

Just a reminder that we start at 9am TOMORROW! 

See you then!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

VARSITY: Cleaning Camp Time Change and Monday Rehearsals

Hey Ladies and Adam and Parents!
So yesterday the principal let us know they accidentally double booked the gym. So to compromise we are going to be starting our cleaning camp this Saturday at 9. So we will run 9-5 not the original time. Sorry this is such short notice, we just found out!

Also, when Jenny and I made the decision to only have Thursday rehearsals we let everyone know that we HAD to have ALL OF YOU at every practice. We even covered this at the parent meeting. If we do not have you all there, (especially with the quartet section) it is almost pointless to have practice. On weeks of shows it will be our ONLY practice. We have now run 8 weeks with this practice schedule and we have not had a single rehearsal where EVERYONE has come. And it's not even like we are missing 1 person, we are consistently missing a handful of you. Because of this Jenny and I have decided that we are going to have to add monday night practices. We have the gym from 3:30-6:30. I am not able to get there until 4 so we are going to start Monday night practices on Monday February 10th from 4-6:30. I am hoping that we can get caught up and then we can stop them. This should also give you enough time to get work and everything settled so we can start on 10th.

I also wanted to remind all of you if you miss a week of a performance (including Eval show and Parent Night) you do not perform. Including class time. I know that there have been a few of you that have been missing class time. During a performance week this counts.

I am really hoping we can start getting everyone at practice and we only have to do the monday practices for the month of February to get caught up!

If you have any questions please let me know!


Monday, January 6, 2014

VARSITY: Call Times for Competitions (JV Mari will let you know)!

JV Team Mari will be letting you know when your call times are... These are the varsity times only!

Hey Ladies and Gent and parents!

Here are the Call times for the Varsity team for now. We are still trying to see if we can get into a Gym for Eval, and we have discussed having the Varsity team go to the show later for state (For now we have call time for state at 8:30 am, we will let you know if we are going to push it farther back). We will get that information to you as soon as we have it!

For now here are all of the call times for performances!!!

Cleaning Camp for Varsity Team February 11th – 8am-5pm

Eval Show January 18th -- Varsity Call Time: TBA (We’re checking on gym space).

Family Night February 3rd -- Varsity Call Time: 5:00pm.

(VARSITY ONLY) Drum line Family Night February 24th -- Varsity Call Time: 6:00pm.

Bear River Competition February 1st -- Varsity Call Time: 11:30am.

Westlake Competition February 15th -- Varsity Call Time: 1:30pm.

West High Competition February 22nd -- Varsity Call Time: 12:30pm.

American Fork competition March 8th -- Varsity Call Time: 12:30pm.

Lone Peak Competition March 22nd – Varsity Call Time: 1:00pm.

American Fork State Championships Competition March 29th -- Varsity Call Time: 8:30am. (Call time for state may change but we are going to say 8:30am for now).

Love you guys! Thank you for all of the hard work you are doing!


Friday, January 3, 2014

VARSITY/JV: Competition Dates

Hey Everyone,

I have just been getting a lot of questions about when the competitions are. Here is a list of when and where the competitions are. I am not sure about call times yet… so that will be announced. The winter guard board just emailed me to day and said that they are going to try to have the schedule emailed out to us by Sunday night. So we should be finding out when we are up on Sunday, and then I’ll get out a call time to you.

If you have any questions please email us at the lehi email:

Competition Schedule:

January 18th – Evaluation Show
February 1st – Bear River Competition
February 15th – Westlake Competition
February 22nd – West High Competition
March 8th – American Fork Competition
March 22nd – Lone Peak Competition
March 29th – State Championships at American Fork

Thursday, January 2, 2014

VARSITY/JV: Sorry for the confusion!

Also to clarify I am going to start putting VARSITY and/or JV in the post title so you know who the post is for!!! I hope that helps with the confusion!

Hey everyone!

This is Brianna. I just need to clarify that there is Varsity practice tonight but no JV practice. We are unable to get into the Jr. High, so JV practice will resume at it’s usual places and times starting Monday when School starts back up.

JV team, enjoy the rest of your break! I will see you on Monday at 4:30 in the dance room. And Varsity I will see you in the dance room at 5:30 tonight ready to go!!!

Sorry for the confusion!


Varsity Schedule:

Thursday January 2nd (Added Make-up, not make up on your face but make up because we had to cancel a practice, rehearsal)
Thursday January 9th
Saturday January 11th 8am-5pm (Guard Cleaning Camp)
Thursday January 16th
Saturday January 18th EVAL SHOW
Thursday January 23rd
Thursday January 30th
Saturday February 1st FIRST SHOW!

JV Schedule:

Monday Jan. 6th regular time in the dance room
Thursday Jan. 9th regular time at the Jr. High
Monday Jan. 13 regular time
Thursday Jan. 16th regular time
Saturday Jan. 18th EVAL SHOW
Monday Jan. 20 (NO school, so NO practice)
Thursday Jan. 23 reg time
Monday Jan. 27th reg time
Thursday Jan. 30th reg time
Saturday February 1st FIRST SHOW!