Saturday, December 28, 2013

VARSITY: Rehearsal

Ladies and Gent!

            Sorry! Here’s another one, I forgot to put this on the last email. JennyLynn and I were talking and we think that we need to make up that practice we missed. We are going to have practice on January 2nd; at our normal time in the Dance Room. We were looking at our calendar and we have 3 practices before the eval show and only 5 practices before our first competition. Both me and Jen feel like we need the practice. Especially since they changed that rule on us and we are going to have to fill Rosie’s hole. :( Which we are incredibly sad about!
            So we are going to hold practice on January 2nd. I know that two of you have talked to me about not being there. If you can please be there! Again we only have 5 practices not including this one until we are competing! If you are not going to be there if you could email the Gmail guard account and let me and JennyLynn know that would be awesome!
            Thank you for all your hard work! The floor looks awesome and I am super excited to see how the show looks on it!


Rehearsal Schedule for the Varsity team (sorry for the confusion)!!!:

Thursday January 2nd (Added Make-up, not make up on your face but make up because we had to cancel a practice, rehearsal)
Thursday January 9th
Saturday January 11th 8am-5pm (Guard Cleaning Camp)
Thursday January 16th
Saturday January 18th EVAL SHOW
Thursday January 23rd
Thursday January 30th
Saturday February 1st FIRST SHOW!

VARSITY: Folding the floor

Hey Ladies and Gent!

We have to fold the floor tomorrow night. I know that it’s Sunday and that it’s a family/church day, but Cheer has the gym Monday morning very early and one day of drying is just not enough. We would have to come at like 5:30 in the morning to get the floor folded and that is just too early.
We are going to meet at 5:00 tomorrow night to fold the floor and it will only take as long as it takes to get the floor folded and the plastic picked up. We will also have to make sure there is no paint on the gym floor and if it is scrap it up. It should take about 15 minutes. You can even have your parents wait for you while you run in and fold the floor, we shouldn’t be that long. I need EVERYONE to come and not be late, so that we can get it folded and be done. There will be no way we can fold the floor if only 5 or 6 of you come.
I’m sorry that we have to do this on a Sunday, but the floor needed an extra night and day to dry. If you have any questions please email Me or Jenny at the Gmail account!

We’ll see you tomorrow!


Monday, November 4, 2013

VARSITY/JV: Winter Guard Parent Meeting

Hey guys!

The parent meeting will be held Monday November 11, 2013.
It will be at 6:00 pm.
In the Dance Room or the Commons, which ever is available.
Please check the Commons first.

Remember that Practice is now on Thursday 5:30-10 pm.
Please make sure you are there and ready to go by 5:30 not just running in. Since we only have one practice a week now we need ALL of that practice time.
I really want to be able to start right at 5:30. So if you could be there stretched and ready by 5:30 that would be best!

Also, don't forget that Urban Expressions will be there for part of the rehearsal to do a private clinic with us on thursday. Come ready to work hard for them!!!

Thank you guys for such a great season! JennyLynn and I are soooo proud of you and love you guys to death! Thank you for working soooo hard for us the last 6 months. I am so grateful that I get to be your coach! Let's have a great Winter season too!

Monday, October 28, 2013



Could you please bring your binders and calendars on the tour trip?!

I want to have a captains meeting on the way home (on the bus) and talk about moving into Winter Guard! There are a few dates that I'd like us to look at too, so it would be nice if you could bring your calendars so that I can have you write down the dates I need you to do things!

Also, I want to thank you for all that you do for me and Jen!
We really do rely on you so much and each of you have risen to the challenge!

Thank you for everything!

Also, if you could spread the word so that all of you get this message that would be great too!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Practice schedule! Varsity and JV Guards!

Wholly Cow!!!!
Let's talk about how good you guys looked today!

Let's go over the practice schedule for both of the teams for the next couple of weeks!
I changed it on charms today so it should be correct on there!

Varsity Team:

Today (Monday) August 12, 2013: 8-11 at Willow Creek
Wednesday August 14, 2013: 8-11 at Willow Creek
Thursday August 15, 2013: 8-11 at Willow Creek (ONLY THE GUARD).
Monday August 19, 2013: (School Schedule Starts) 3:30-6pm at Willow Creek
Tuesday August 20, 2013: School Starts on an A day.
Wednesday August 21, 2013: B day. Class is in the South Gym from 6-7:15 (I believe, we are still working this all out with the administration - but we will know for sure this week and we'll send out an email).
Wednesday August 21, 2013: 3:30-6pm at Willow Creek
Thursday August, 22, 2013: 6-9pm at Lehi High School Stadium.

Fall practice schedule:
Monday and Wednesday's 3:30-6pm at Willow Creek
Thursday's 6-9 pm at Willow Creek

JV Team

Monday practices have started.
Monday's 4:30-6:30 in the Dance Room at the High School

Today (Monday) August 12, 2013: Practice has been canceled!

Thank you for being so great!
Remember if you need to miss a practice to fill out a blue sheet that we keep in the band room and turn it in!

Friday, July 26, 2013


Band Camp:

Here's what info I have right now!
I am getting an itinerary from Mr. Reynolds tonight and I will get all of the information up there as soon as I get that!

Band Camp will start at 7am every day,
and will end at 7pm every day.

That means we will be there from 7-7 Monday through Friday!

Please plan accordingly so that you are able to arrive at the school by 6:55 so that we have NO tardies!
If we can have NO TARDIES the entire band camp then I will personally provide an ice cream party for the team at the end of camp!!!!

It's up to you guys if we can have that!

Secret Pals:
We are going to do secret pals through the week.
Spend no more than $5 for the entire five days.
We will do one small gift every day! Put some thought into these.
If you do not bring one you will not get one, so make sure you remember to bring them.
Bring your secret pal gift with your person’s name on it and we will put them in a big box.
Breanne will pass them out some time throughout the day.


Make sure you are bringing water.
I do not know if we will be allowed in the school so it is important that you bring water.
As well as I will not be allowing you to leave what we are working on to run across the field to the school through the school to the drinking fountain and back.

As well as I will be upset if you end up sick because you are not drinking and get dehydrated!
Make sure when we are taking water breaks you are drinking WATER!

We will be feed LUNCH and DINNER.
You are responsible for BREAKFAST.
Like I told you at practice, I will not be sympathetic to you if you did not eat breakfast and now you are lagging because you are hungry.
I need you all to be responsible humans and take care of your body!

If you refuse to wear sunscreen and you get burnt I will not let you off the hook!
You will still need to do all of the work even if your skin hurts!
AGAIN, I need you to be responsible and take care of your bodies!
We are doing 12 hour days and we may not be able to get out of the sun and get into a gym!
I do not want anyone crying because they have a sunburn that could have been prevented!
Wear a hat, wear a bandana, and WEAR SUNSCREEN!!!!
I do not know how else to express how important this is.
If you do not, go tell your Mom right now that you are going to need some on Monday!

Shoes, Shirt, Shorts:
You can go barefoot, but when we are on the field you must have Tennis shoes on.
You must have tennis shoes on.

Shorts, just like always if they are short you must have spandex shorts underneath.
I don’t want to see up your shorts when you are stretching.

Shirts, NO SPAGHETTI STRAPS, the tank tops need to be thick.

WHITE SHIRTS – We will not be wearing our white shirts on Superhero day and Twin day!
Bring your shirts so we can wear them when we do drill!!!
If you are going to wear something for the spirit days that is fine but we need your number shirt on you when we do drill!!! I will get you the itinerary so you will know about what time of day that will be.
That means we will wear our shirts on MONDAY, TUESDAY, and THURSDAY!!!
You all should have your white shirts (EXCEPT ROSIE).
Please where them.

When are we wearing them???...



Spirit Days:
Here is the spirit day schedule!

Monday – School spirit day/purple people eater day (wear purple!) = # SHIRT DAY TOO
Tuesday – Crazy hair day = # SHIRT DAY TOO
Wednesday – Super hero day
Thursday – Mustache day (get creative people) = # SHIRT DAY TOO

I know some of these are crazy but that’s the point!
Let’s have some fun with it!

What to remember to bring:
ALL of your equipment – tall flag, any weapons, and swing flag
Your two count sheets.
Your count books (you will be getting these from me on Monday so don’t worry about this yet)
Tennis shoes
Snacks if you think you won’t make it to the snack times.
Secret pal gift
White shirt
Spirit day stuff!
Your thinking caps full of all of your check points and counts!!!!

Let’s have a great band camp!
Remember to take care of your bodies! Get water, food and sleep!

See you Monday at 6:50 am sharp!!!!

Please leave a comment with your name so I know that you have seen this!

Sunday, July 21, 2013



Last week and this week we have been trying to get all of the first song cleaned and all of the counts down solid!

Our goal is that when we go to band camp in a week that we are able to put the work to the drill as we learn the drill.

This will only happen if we ALL know the COUNTS perfect!

IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN HERE LAST WEEK OR NEXT WEEK it is YOUR responsibility to get with someone and make sure you KNOW the COUNTS!

Thank you for being so great last week! 
Let's keep it up!!!
Only 1 week till band camp!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

We need help!!!! Flag cutting party tomorrow!!!

Hey parents!!!!
We need some help cutting out flags!
If you can come that would be greatly appreciated!!!

Flag cutting party tomorrow, July 18th, at the HS at 10:30! Bring a soldering iron if you have one! Come help cut out the flags! It's easy and we need lots of help!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fee Schedule

I have had quite a few questions about the fee schedule so I thought I would put it up here so that if there is questions everyone can reference back to this.

Remember our due dates are earlier than the bands.

Varsity (Field Show) Team:

June 1st - $200.00
July 1st - $200.00
August 1st - $200.00
September 1st - $200.00
October 1st - $200.00
November 1st - Last $100.00
Done with fee's for the entire year!

Junior Team:

June 1st - $200.00
July 1st - $200.00
August 1st - Last $100.00 
Done with fee's for the entire year!

If there is anymore questions please email us at

Also throughout the summer you can pay this at the High School, or online.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Practice tomorrow!!!


Tomorrow at practice JennyLynn and Bri both have to be somewhere by 11am, so we are going to  end practice at 10am. 

If you see this please tell all your friends on the team!

Let your parents know so that they can pick you up!!! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fee Schedule! Fee Due Reminder!!!

The first fee of $200 is due TODAY!!!
Pay this at the HIGH SCHOOL not to the Jr. High!

Lehi High School
ColorGuard Activity Fees
Approved fees necessary for Varsity and JV Color Guard Teams

Uniforms                                      $90.00
Custom Music                              $30.00
Custom Drill Design                    $60.00
Equipment and Supplies             $70.00
Camps and Clinics                       $60.00
Staff and Clinicians                         $250.00
Transportation                                  $110.00
Band Pictures                                 $10.00
St. George Tour                                $250.00
Board Approved Participation      $50.00
Competition Entrance Fee            $50.00
Equipment Rental                           $70.00

TOTAL:  $1100.00

Lehi High School
ColorGuard Activity Fees
Approved fees necessary for Junior Color Guard Team:

Uniform Fee                                                   $80.00
Participation Fee                                           $50.00
Transportation                                                $80.00
Equipment Rental and Supplies                 $60.00
Camps and Clinics                                        $50.00
Competition Fees                                          $50.00
Custom Drill Design                                      $60.00
Staff, Clinicians, and Choreographers       $70.00 

TOTAL:   $500.00

Optional Expenses

Duffle Bag                                                                                         $40.00
Dance Shoes (Field Show Must Get)                                            $40.00
Gloves (Weapon Line Must Get)                                                    $15.00
Warm-Up Outfit                                                                                  $60.00
Personal Equipment Bag (Must have one, make if you want)    $25.00
Corps Encore Ticket                                                                          $20.00

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our First Practice

First Practice Down!!!!!

After last Wednesday's rehearsal I am very excited about the talent we have on this team!
Everyone did great!

A few parents and students have asked if they could move to a "short flag" JennyLynn and I just wanted to go over that we are only using the 6 foot flags for right now. I had a friend who was just over 4 feet and she had always spun a 6 foot flag and did great on it! It will take some adjustment to move from the 5 foot to the 6 foot flag but if you are patient and believe that you can do it, you'll find that you are spinning a "tall flag" with no problems in no time!!!

For now EVERYONE is going to spin the "Tall Flags."

A few things to remember for this Wednesday!

Dance Attire
Remember that everyone needs to wear clothes they can dance in! This means no jeans! If you wear jeans to school make sure that you have some sweats you can bring with you for practice!!!

1. Walking in step
2. Stepping off on our LEFT foot
3. Jazz walks
4. Jazz runs
5. Breathing

Remember: To point your toes!!! You will feel this through the ankle! Also, remember to breath when you are dancing. WE ARE ALWAYS BREATHING!!! Carry yourself confidently even if you feel silly! And ALWAYS step off on the left foot!

                            In honor of JennyLynn!!!                    In honor of Elton!!!

1. 27 Points in space
2. Drop-spins
3. Drop-spin check points
4. Back Scratchers
5. Back Scratchers check points

Reminders: Go over your 27 points of space!!!! We need to get those points memorized! Remember on drop-spins odd counts are down and even counts are up. Remember the down and up are straight up and down and not at an angle. When you are doing a drop-spin your hands are at your belly button! When doing backscratchers the odd counts are down and the even counts are up. Remember that the first two check points are at the 45 degree angle and the second two check points are straight up and down. Count 1 (point 24), Count 2  (point 10), Count 3 (point 27), Count 4 (point 25).

Thank you guys for being so GREAT!
Practice is tomorrow, Wednesday, May 15th, 3:30-5:00 in the dance room at the high school!!!


Our AMAZING Captains!!!

Head Captain: Candice Gillette
Flag Captain: Keilynn Walker
Flag Co-Captain: Alli Pettit
Weapons Captain: Madelyne Caswell
Flag Co-Captain: Natalee Parry
Psych-Up Captain: Breanne Taylor

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The 2013-2014 Lehi Color Guard Team!!!

Thank you everyone for coming out and auditioning this year. We are extremely excited for this up coming year and it would not be possible with out you.

Everyone did great and I just wanted to say that I am proud of everyone who had the courage to come and try-out.

With that being said I am pleased to announce the 2013-2014 Lehi Color Guard Team!

Lehi Color Guard Field Show Team

Abigail Bretey
Adam Walk
Alli Pettit
Alyssa Martin
Ashley Knight
Aspree Moser
Becca Hojara
Breanne Taylor
Britton Burningham 
Candice Gillette
Danielle Keaton
Emilie Perkins
Emily Naylor
Gia Tran
Josselynn Adams
Kaitlin Gotberg
Keilynn Walker
Kelsi Taylor
Lexi Petersen
Lisa Glathar
Madelyne Caswell
Mari Lawson
McKayla Parker
McKensie Elison
McKinley Shupe
Megan Hawkes
Mikaela Ricker
Natalee Parry
Samantha Westbrook
Taylor VanAusdal
Trinity Fugal
Shanna Jessee

Lehi Color Guard Fall Training “Junior” Team

Alexandria Smith
Annie Markland
Ashland Needles
Atalee Elkins
Aubrie Cox
Brooklynn Newby
Bry Burnham
Brylee Webb
Calli Walker
Camille Clawson
Jadyn Harter
Jessica Hansen
Kara Call
Karlee Greer
Kate Belcher
Katelyn Buell
Kayelise Wade
Mackenzie Whatcott
Natalie Jones
Rosie Kent
Tiersa Hawkes
Victoria DeLeon

Rifle Line for the Field Show 2013-14 Lehi Color Guard Team

Abigail Bretey
Becca Hojara
Breanne Taylor
Candice Gillette
Gia Tran
Lexi Petersen
Lisa Glathar
Madelyne Caswell
McKayla Parker
Natalee Parry

**We will also be having several students who did not make the weapon line for fall who we are going to train and have practice with the weapons for winter. We will be talking to you guys on Wednesday about who that will be.

Captains for the 2013-14 Lehi Color Guard Team

Head Captain: Candice Gillette
Flag Captain: Keilynn Walker
Flag Co-Captain: Alli Pettit
Weapons Captain: Madelyne Caswell
Flag Co-Captain: Natalie Parry
Psych-Up Captain: Breanne Taylor

A big thank you to everyone who has tried out for the team! I am so proud of everyone who has made it.

An even bigger thank you for all of the parents who came out to help with auditions, we couldn’t have done it without you.

Just a reminder about the up coming dates in May:
Practice – Wednesday May 8th, 3:30-5:00
Marching Band Step Off Meeting – Thurday May 9th, 7pm-8pm
Practice – Wednesday May 15th, 3:30-5:00
Practice – Wednesday May 22nd, 3:30-6:00

I can’t wait till our first practice! I’ll see you all there!