Saturday, December 28, 2013

VARSITY: Folding the floor

Hey Ladies and Gent!

We have to fold the floor tomorrow night. I know that it’s Sunday and that it’s a family/church day, but Cheer has the gym Monday morning very early and one day of drying is just not enough. We would have to come at like 5:30 in the morning to get the floor folded and that is just too early.
We are going to meet at 5:00 tomorrow night to fold the floor and it will only take as long as it takes to get the floor folded and the plastic picked up. We will also have to make sure there is no paint on the gym floor and if it is scrap it up. It should take about 15 minutes. You can even have your parents wait for you while you run in and fold the floor, we shouldn’t be that long. I need EVERYONE to come and not be late, so that we can get it folded and be done. There will be no way we can fold the floor if only 5 or 6 of you come.
I’m sorry that we have to do this on a Sunday, but the floor needed an extra night and day to dry. If you have any questions please email Me or Jenny at the Gmail account!

We’ll see you tomorrow!


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