Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our First Practice

First Practice Down!!!!!

After last Wednesday's rehearsal I am very excited about the talent we have on this team!
Everyone did great!

A few parents and students have asked if they could move to a "short flag" JennyLynn and I just wanted to go over that we are only using the 6 foot flags for right now. I had a friend who was just over 4 feet and she had always spun a 6 foot flag and did great on it! It will take some adjustment to move from the 5 foot to the 6 foot flag but if you are patient and believe that you can do it, you'll find that you are spinning a "tall flag" with no problems in no time!!!

For now EVERYONE is going to spin the "Tall Flags."

A few things to remember for this Wednesday!

Dance Attire
Remember that everyone needs to wear clothes they can dance in! This means no jeans! If you wear jeans to school make sure that you have some sweats you can bring with you for practice!!!

1. Walking in step
2. Stepping off on our LEFT foot
3. Jazz walks
4. Jazz runs
5. Breathing

Remember: To point your toes!!! You will feel this through the ankle! Also, remember to breath when you are dancing. WE ARE ALWAYS BREATHING!!! Carry yourself confidently even if you feel silly! And ALWAYS step off on the left foot!

                            In honor of JennyLynn!!!                    In honor of Elton!!!

1. 27 Points in space
2. Drop-spins
3. Drop-spin check points
4. Back Scratchers
5. Back Scratchers check points

Reminders: Go over your 27 points of space!!!! We need to get those points memorized! Remember on drop-spins odd counts are down and even counts are up. Remember the down and up are straight up and down and not at an angle. When you are doing a drop-spin your hands are at your belly button! When doing backscratchers the odd counts are down and the even counts are up. Remember that the first two check points are at the 45 degree angle and the second two check points are straight up and down. Count 1 (point 24), Count 2  (point 10), Count 3 (point 27), Count 4 (point 25).

Thank you guys for being so GREAT!
Practice is tomorrow, Wednesday, May 15th, 3:30-5:00 in the dance room at the high school!!!

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