Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Varsity and Jr.: How to apply the Make-up

OK! We are going to go over this on Friday!
But just in case I am going to put up here what we are doing!!!

No making fun of my awful pictures or this will NEVER happen again!!!! LOL!!!

Ok, First start with your base/foundation:

I put it all over my face and chin and blend it onto my neck... I even put it on my eyelid because it helps keep my eyeshadow on!

Next I curl my eyelashes... some of you may be fortunate enough you have beautifully curled eyelashes, but I don't, so I curl my real lashes so they will blend into the fake ones!

I then put mascara on my bottom eye lashes!
I also put mascara on my top lashes... I have EXTREMELY blond lashes and if I don't put mascara on then my real lashes show up against the fake ones!!!

If you have dark lashes you might not have to put mascara on your top lashes!

I put on my eyelashes!
They can be put on after the eyeshadow, I have just found that the glue can take off the eyeshadow, and sometimes they don't stick as good if there is eyeshadow on under the eyelashes.

I also find that with foundation too, so you may want to put on your eyelashes and then put on some foundation!

Run a small bead of glue on the edge of the lashes.

When placing the lashes on your eye the longer edge goes on the outside of your eye and the smaller edge goes on the inside. If you reverse this it will look funny and it will irritate your eyes!

Sorry I couldn't get the picture to rotate!

You want to place the fake eyelashes directly onto where your real eyelashes and your eyelid connect.
You do not want a gap between your lashes and your eye.

I pinch my fake and real lashes together so that there is not gap.

Before I put my eyeshadow on I ran black eyeliner on the inside of my water line on the top of my eye, and I ran it along the very edge of my bottom eyelid (where my eyelashes and eye lid meet).

Then you will take the Maybelline #70 Barely Branded Eyeshadow.

Put the light tan over the upper part of your brow and in the inner corner and along the outer corner of you eye.

Next you will use Maybelline #25 Bad to the Bronze.

Place the Bronze color on the inside corner of the eyelid.

I left the outside corner of my eye clear of color.
I found if I put the purple over one of the tans it made the purple really light! 
So I kept 1/2 of my eyelid clear and my purple was brighter.

Next is the Maybelline #20 Painted Purple

I put the purple on the outside corner of my eyelid and in the crease.

I made sure I blended it into the other colors.

Once I've blended the upper lid, I took a little bit of purple and ran it under my bottom lashes on the outside edge.

Again, make sure you blend everything, and that the bottom is not thick, just a small line of purple!

When I am done with my eyeshadow! I am going to add my blush! 
Again, any red or pink blush!

Then add the RED lipstick.

I had taken my make up off when I realized I didn't have a lipstick picture!!! Sorry!

That should be it!!! Again we will go over this on Friday at practice!

Now I shall leave you with a TERRIBLE photo of me that I thought was funny!!!

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