Friday, February 7, 2014

VARSITY: Judges Comments

Here are the judges comments! I bolded the ones you that are performance based not design based so it will be easier to find for you!!!


·      Breaking the tension while breaking the characters – interesting.
·      Interesting – terms of the different parts of the floor that occupy the field
·      Detail in the nuances and sense
·      Well designed in the complexity
·      Characters coming across strong
·      Watch the form with the flags. (pink flag angle)
·      Angle of the flag
·      Sabre relationship to each other.
·      Different parts of the floor taken the weight and shape and form from the lines and added them to the texture of the floor elevates the design.
·      Good in the textured set (sabre bat feature)
·      Different vignettes
·      Adding variety to the staging.
·      Clever in the design of the Quartets from the vertical lines to the opening depth that is cool
·      Mood change (from the take me out to the ball game, to the talking, to the entertainer)
·      Open space form.
·      Got to be on, on the release.
·      Compress the space good.
·      However, closing set we MUST project up not to the side….!!!
·      Novelty show, music different than the poetry, did good covering it.
·      Vocabulary is not as complex but what they are doing we’re doing well.
·      BUT need to be crispy clean


·      Sabre characterization of the actual equipment.
·      How is it being held (Sabre)
·      Character driven moments
·      Attention to detail in how were cradling the sabre
·      Detail in the line there
·      Dynamics in the flourish
·      Release rotational value and heights
·      Correct space between each other when holding hands
·      Sampling methodology in the technical aspect of the toss
·      Multi directional focus
·      Control the space when we use the form to extend that line
·      Lower body shaping (under equipment – what does the body do when you are spinning or tossing)
·      Good degree of depth
·      Velocity picks up and we loose control on the flourish and the shape of the arm inconsistent look
·      Weight shifts and hand to hand.
·      Rifle understand where it is suppose to be to body
·      Flags doing good job to work through velocity driven moments.
·      Different layers and complexity to have to move around show good degree of responsibility form performers
·      Dynamics
·      Degree of consistency of the height and hand placement of the end flag
·      Consistency with heights and rotational value across the board, hand placement, lower body contributions, sabre relative to the body. (he’s talking about where are our hands catching. What do our heights look like? Are the flags rotating together?)


·      Strong set design
·      Costume design to create the team and baseball diamond
·      Clear thematic approach and are you using the voice and the baseball hit. It may have been there and he didn’t see the ball hit. Density of performers on the stage muddied the intro
·      Are you using the baseball diamond reference independent
·      Question the Adam section. Yeah nice moment for the rifle toss.
·      Announcer not sure if its affective as we intend
·      cute idea with bats coming out
·      Question we have this strong graphic… are you using it.
·      Staging independent of the floor
·      Good choreography straight line
·      Little bit of a jumbled mess in the quartet (staging) some on tan some on green with the costume colors and the flag colors with the directional lines not reading very well.
·      Red flag contrast everything so this is fine, we can read past the design lines.
·      Cheeky and humor doing great.
·      Bring everyone into the square at the end and this is affective.
·      Develop those ideas and use the positive and negative space on the floor.
·      Get a stronger reaction from the events hard to see and identify the focal point due the visual busyness, the flags and the floor, and the colors.

·      Beautiful the sabre roll back
·      Great prep in the barrel turn
·      Grand plea (BAD)
·      Multiple responsibilities sabers within the close responsibility
·      Blade on the move
·      Flags stay steady under the small toss  no reason for motion
·      Clear from count to count don’t want to over anticipate the next count and move to early from the flip toss in the diagonal.
·      Sense of style and grace
·      Technique of lowering yourself and moving farther, beautiful jazz walk run
·      Rifles building
·      Lift of the torso and lift through the head
·      Inconsistent with the lower body moving into the block, blending moving out before finishing the phrase.
·      Great character  moment
·      Multiple events, great sense of leg line while the ground flag work, straight leg.
·      Level change line by line watch the level
·      Shift of weight (check)
·      To much  motion under the toss. DON’T MOVE YOUR FEET “Come on Now!”
·      Looking good for February – strong training program in place – use the ground and work the ground – leave the ground in preparation
·      Sense of lightness
·      Consistent use of breath
·      Moving together as one.

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