Saturday, December 28, 2013

VARSITY: Rehearsal

Ladies and Gent!

            Sorry! Here’s another one, I forgot to put this on the last email. JennyLynn and I were talking and we think that we need to make up that practice we missed. We are going to have practice on January 2nd; at our normal time in the Dance Room. We were looking at our calendar and we have 3 practices before the eval show and only 5 practices before our first competition. Both me and Jen feel like we need the practice. Especially since they changed that rule on us and we are going to have to fill Rosie’s hole. :( Which we are incredibly sad about!
            So we are going to hold practice on January 2nd. I know that two of you have talked to me about not being there. If you can please be there! Again we only have 5 practices not including this one until we are competing! If you are not going to be there if you could email the Gmail guard account and let me and JennyLynn know that would be awesome!
            Thank you for all your hard work! The floor looks awesome and I am super excited to see how the show looks on it!


Rehearsal Schedule for the Varsity team (sorry for the confusion)!!!:

Thursday January 2nd (Added Make-up, not make up on your face but make up because we had to cancel a practice, rehearsal)
Thursday January 9th
Saturday January 11th 8am-5pm (Guard Cleaning Camp)
Thursday January 16th
Saturday January 18th EVAL SHOW
Thursday January 23rd
Thursday January 30th
Saturday February 1st FIRST SHOW!

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